Press Review



Sole 24h

Ethiopia's Teff finds a buyer thanks to Alley Oop

This is our Christmas story. A post written last July to raise awareness of an Ethiopian business and give it a chance to have a showcase in Italy. An Italian company that sees a business opportunity, explores it and makes a deal. It will not change the world, but if even one family is guaranteed better living conditions, it will be an important milestone for us at Alley Oop. Thanks to Micaela Cappellini who was able to see and tell this story, which is on the front page of Sole 24 Ore today.

Here's the story:

Two sisters, a mill among the sheets of metal and mud in the slums on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. A precious grain, teff, which grows only in Ethiopia and has the gift of being gluten-free. A journey, an encounter that leaves a knot in the throat. A somewhat daring attempt, "Who can help me find a buyer in Italy for the Ture sisters' teff?" Thus ended, with a message thrown in a bottle, the post published on Alley Oop, the women's blog of the Sole 24 Ore, with the story of these two Ethiopian women determined to give a better future to their children and the farmers of the highlands.

Then it happens that the messages in the bottles get somewhere. And that the newspapers end up helping someone: "Your article that appeared on July 10 was enlightening," writes Giacomo Bartoloni, a consultant for Italian Luxury Taste in Corridonia, Macerata province. "After two trips to Addis Ababa together with Marco Valle, the owner of the company, on December 4 we signed the agreement for the distribution of teff flour produced by Molino Ture. We have exclusive rights for continental Europe, Russia and all of Asia except China."

Giacomo Bartoloni writes to me two days before Christmas. And this is a Christmas story. In every sense of the word. Marco Valle, the owner of Italian Luxury Taste, is an entrepreneur from the Marche region who usually deals with import-export of wines and luxury food products. But he has a daughter, Sofia, who didn't even happen to turn five on Christmas Day, and she has celiac disease. So Marco Valle knows the importance of gluten-free grains. He knows how sought after these superfoods can be in a West increasingly willing to pay dearly for a health-conscious diet.

Teff, however, grows only in Ethiopia and Eritrea, two thousand meters above sea level. These are ears that are thousands of years old, and more importantly, they are ears that the government in Addis Ababa has always forbidden to export because they form the basis of the Ethiopian population's diet. Until a few months ago: after three years of bureaucratic rigmarole, it is the Ture sisters themselves who obtained license number 001. The first one, in the whole country, that authorizes them to export teff abroad. "If I could sell it in Europe at ten, twenty times the price it is today here on the Ethiopian market, I could pay the farmers who supply my mill more," Sozit Ture confesses to me in July, "I could reinvest the export money in agricultural modernization. We could double production." And send all the children in these countryside and slums to school.

Teff as a good business. Teff as a good business: "I had been pondering the potential of this cereal for a year," says the entrepreneur, who together with his consultant had also drawn up a feasibility study. Meeting the mill with the only export license in all of Ethiopia was the spring that triggered the business: "The Ture sisters," says Marco Valle, "committed to supply us with a 200-quintal container of flour per day for the whole year. Won't that be too much? "We want to introduce teff to the main food processing industries in Italy," says Valle. "Besides being gluten-free, this cereal has a low glycemic index, contains as much albumin protein as an egg, and is rich in potassium. We believe its superfood properties are so interesting that it could become strategic for all large companies interested in mass production of foods for celiacs, diabetics, vegans and sportsmen." Marco Valle has Barilla, Ferrero, Galbusera in mind: that's why he thinks big.

For the Ture sisters, the agreement with Italian Luxury Taste means, above all, significant income of valuable currency with which to make investments. It means dreams again for their children of the American universities they had attended. Grandpa Ture was the first Ethiopian to trade in industrial machinery with the Chinese. A pioneer who saw far ahead, as today China is the country's largest investor and most important trading partner. Then the money ran out, the Chinese backing also. So, Sozit and Muna had to return home. But they rolled up their sleeves, and started again from the bottom.

In Italy, meanwhile, teff flour has already landed: "I brought it to my wife," says Marco Valle, "she made cookies with it for my daughter Sofia. Christmas cookies, of course.

Beats of Music

Scientific Event with Entertainment for Charitable Purposes - October 22, 202322

At the Teatro delle Muse in Ancona, the event "BEATS OF MUSIC" was held, an initiative organized to raise funds for charity in favor of "Special People." During the event, President Marco Valle, a supporter of the initiative, presented new projects based on Artificial Intelligence, Furniture Home & Contract and TEFF's Super Food Flour.

The many spectators,(Theater Sold Out ) were also treated to an excellent show that saw the "Opera Pop," the Abruzzi Orchestra with covers from Michael Jackson to Queen and the timeless MAURIZIO VANDELLI follow each other on stage.

(In the Video on summary of the whole event) The "smart seat" will represent an innovative device designed and built using artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and robotics techniques.


Presentation of No. 2 Scholarships donated by President Marco Valle - Oct. 27, 2023

Oct. 27, 2023 - At the headquarters of the prestigious ISTAO ( Adriano Olivetti Institute ) President Marco Valle together with the Bank of Italy, Marche Foundation, Confidustria, Tod's Group, Merloni Foundation, Fratelli Guzzini and other renowned international groups; on the occasion of the inauguration of the academic year 2023/24, donates and awards No. 2 scholarships to deserving students.